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Joseph Mungwa Nkwenti
Geboren inCameroon
63 years
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Afanwi Kube family friend June 13, 2011
How sad and shocked i felt when i heard the news the day the Lord called you to his side. Thank you papa for the wonderful memories, thank you for the wonderful wife and children and thanks for the wonderful gift of education you provided for the countless number of children.
YOu definately left a gap in many lives but Jesus loves you best and we will forever remember you.
Mama, Bih, Maureen and Livinus there will always be a gap but remember that the Lord God has filled it with everlasting love......
The Kube family.
Robert, Lumsina, Bryce and Bailey
Che Sunday John You Were One of Kind February 25, 2011
Just to say I missed you plenty. People of you calibre really never die. You touched so many lives that you will be remembered long after. It would have hurt real bad had the Lord not made it possible for me to be at your funeral. Not that it mattered much, but, at least, I was there to bid you farewell. You also lie just a few feet from my mother, so each time I am there to say hello to her, I will always stop by to see you too.
You are now in the company of the angels and should be a saint in your own right.
May the lord bless those you have left behind to mourn you, and give the strength to handle the void you have left in all of you..
In my mind, you are saint Ngwa Nkwenti.
Rest in perfect peace.

Michael Langason Nfahmoh Stay Green January 17, 2011

Joseph Mungwa Nkwenti, where have you gone? I can still see you in your wife, your children, your grandchildren, i can still see you in your brothers and sisters. I am still seeing you in all your cousins, aunts and uncles. You loved all these people and now you have left them. You remain green in our eyes. My question is, who is going to bury us, who is going to bury your elders especially me at this age? Wherever you are, you will forever be green in our memory. You have gone away with your good organizational skills, with your love for family and friends, honesty, love and cheerfulness in everything you did. You have created a vacuum that cannot be filled among the children of Lumbesi. Whatever the case, we believe that God knows better than we do. To your wife, children and grandchildren, i pray that they accept this loss as coming from God, and to stay strong in the love of Christ. I shall always have them in my prayers. Be strong my children and may God Bless and protect you all.

Michael Langason Nfahmoh Stay Green January 17, 2011
Josephine Achuade Till we meet to part no more. January 16, 2011
Mamie, Bi, Shingwa and Ngufor Continue to be strong I know how hard this can be but rejoice with the happy memories that papa left and you will find peace. My heart goes out to all of you and i will continue to pray that the Lord Almighty strengthen you during this time in Christ Jesus who made it possible for the resurrection to happen. So be Happy for it is not the end of Papas' life it is only the beginning. Keep his legacy of love for all and kindness to all and most of all his smile. John 5:28,29; states; "Do not Marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the graves will hear his voice and come out..........." Acts 24:15; "I have the same hope in God as these men, that there will be a ressurection.............."  May these words bring healing in your hearts and peace that passes all understanding.
Sister Mary Kombe Superior General, sst January 6, 2011
May the Good Lord grant Pa Nkwenti a place of rest with the saints in heaven.
funwi cletus / chenwi cyril good by uncle December 28, 2010
It was again on a thursday that  we got the news of  the passing away
of your dad.We could not help but to start thinking on how perplexed we were
when on  thursday 19 feb 2009  we got a call that our dad left for the mouataury and they are not sure he will be back,
 Dear sisters;
all we ask of you is to take heart and keep on  praying that the lord should open the gates of heaven for him..Keep your trust in the lord for he will wipe away our tears. may his gentle soul and the souls of all the faithfull departed rest in peace. we will always remember his high sense of diplomacy and humour. its realy painfull knowing that we will not see you again papa mungwa.
funwi cletus/ chenwi cyril adiue tah December 28, 2010
loveline chibikom friend December 20, 2010

My dear Hilda and maureen, this most be a very difficult time, again i just want to say please take heart. I was so shocked when i saw the mail, because i spoke to hilda a day before she did not mentioned papa being ill.

He has finished his mission on earth and now in the bossom of the lord where he will toil no more. We will all pray for you at this very difficult moment and hope the good lord will give you courage to survive this moment.

The cold hands of death are so cruel, but our father in heaven will lift you high and keep you safe. We will all pray for your entire family and be there in spirit with you all. Take care my dear sisters and be strong in the lord.


LESA-USA Condolence Message December 19, 2010

Dear Maureen and Hilda Nkwenti, Rosemary,Matilda and Doreen Langason, 

It was with a heavy heart that we learned of the passing away your Dad and uncle Joesph Mungwa Nkwenti ,on December 9Th 2010 in Cameroon
We your Lesan sisters extend our heartfelt sympathy to you and your families. Please accept our deepest and heartfelt condolence at this most challenging time. We just got this mail for from papa to you all and  hope you do not mind us sharing it with the world he is very happy:

To My Dearest Family:
Some things I'd like to say
but first of all to let you know that I arrived okay
I'm writing this from Heaven where I dwell with God above
where there's no more tears or sadness there
is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight
remember that I'm with you every morning, noon and night
That day I had to leave you when my life on Earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me and He said I welcome you
It's good to have you back again you were missed while you were gone
as for your dearest family they'll be here later on
I need you here so badly as part of My big plan
there's so much that we have to do to help our mortal man
Then God gave me a list of things He wished for me to do
and foremost on that list of mine is to watch and care for you
And I will be beside you every day and week and year
and when you're sad I'm standing there
to wipe away the tear And when you lie in bed at night
the days chores put to flight God and I are closest to you
in the middle of the night
When you think of my life on Earth and all those loving years
because you're only human they are bound to bring you tears
But do not be afraid to cry it does relieve the pain
remember there would be no flowers unless there was some rain
I wish that I could tell you of all that God has planned
but if I were to tell you you wouldn't understand
But one thing is for certain though my life on Earth is o're
I am closer to you now than I ever was before
And to my very many friends trust God knows what is best
I'm still not far away from you I'm just beyond the crest
There are rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb
but together we can do it taking one day at a time
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too
that as you give unto the World so the World will give to you
If you can help somebody who is in sorrow or in pain
then you can say to God at night my day was not in vain
And now I am contented that my life it was worthwhile
knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile
So if you meet somebody who is down and feeling low
just lend a hand to pick him up as on your way you go
When you are walking down the street
and you've got me on your mind I'm walking in your footsteps
only half a step behind And when you feel the gentle breeze
or the wind upon your face that's me giving you a great big hug
or just a soft embrace
And when it's time for you to go from that body to be free
remember you're not going you are coming here to me
And I will always love you from that land way up above
Will be in touch again soon
P.S. God sends His Love
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